Mission partnership that is not rooted in mutual respect and scriptural holiness is a broken cistern and agent of secularism. Mission partnership is between equals, defined by strategic and missional autonomy—the ability for churches to pursue their own missional identity, freedom, and distinctives without over-reliance on another, choosing their future without foreign interference, control or dependence.
Beyond a compromised mission partnership and ecumenical engagement, ‘every society and culture have created a god that looks like them, that acts and speaks like them, and that has the personality attributes of the people in that society. Hear this, the god of the white males with the beads and the long flowing robes from the Middle East or the god created by black people from Africa who wear few cloth or flowing garment with different sizes of bottles of anointing oil or mantles from Holy Land are make-believe.’
Beloved, God is a Spirit and holy, and they that worship Him, must worship Him in truth and Spirit. Enough of make-believe and hypocitical spirit in the church and especially among we church leaders. Enough of teachings without practice that is promoting church dropouts and decline. The greatest hindrance to evangelism is the lifestyle of church people and especially the leadership.
Arise and pray for church and leadership renewal.