THEME: Great Joy in Nigeria – Acts 8:8, Jer.31:11-14
The Bible says, ‘By the blessing of the upright the city (Nigeria) is exalted’ (Prov.11:11). Dearly beloved, we bless God for your interest in this Call to Prayer for Nigeria. The goal is to constantly have a 24-hour chain of prayer/fasting around Nigeria and our churches worldwide to break the powers and principalities opposing holiness, joy, revival, healing, and potential (Rev. 22:2).
Kindly pray through the hours you are committed to using the prayer guide below. Please be free to add more prayer as inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Meditate and pray with Romans 10:1-3 over Nigeria and our churches.
Considering that this is a worldwide intercession, please pray your schedule according to your time. Hopefully, this chain will grow large enough to cover each time and many times over. So, don’t worry about doubling up with someone else who is praying the time that you desire to pray. The more that you will pray at the same hour as you will, the greater the available power during that hour to break the powers and principalities and their legions over Nigeria.
Introduction: Nigeria’s current spiritual, economic and political challenges go back many centuries before the borders of modern-day Nigeria were established in 1914. Nigeria, with over 426 ethnic groups, is three sizes of the UK, stretching roughly 700 miles from west to east and 650 miles from south to north, yet there is untold unemployment, famine, and poverty. Nigeria is blessed with a wide variety of agricultural landscapes, yielding a broad spectrum of agricultural goods for domestic consumption and export. River Niger, the third longest river in Africa, which runs for 730 miles through Nigeria, is the main artery of our commerce and communication. However, stable hydroelectric power and viable ferry transportation must be needed. Nigeria’s diverse geography yields a broad assortment of natural resources, but our reliance on petroleum as the main source of the country’s wealth has contributed significantly to economic instability since the late 1970s, hence the creation of unviable states, depending on the Federal allocations.
Nigeria is a paradox, blessed by God, so wealthy, so poor, so religious and endowed, yet deprived, Africa’s most populous country with over 200 million people, a theatre of Christian activities, and the world’s eighth largest oil producer. Hence, as consumers, Nigeria’s blessings are undermined by ethnic/ religious conflicts, political robbery, spiritual recession/depression, bombing, kidnapping, official corruption, and ‘illiterate’ leadership that promotes ailing economy. Religion and ethnicity are strong dividing lines between Nigerians, hence different predictions on the possible disintegration of the country. The average Nigerian is still mired in extreme poverty despite the country’s immense oil wealth. The political/spiritual class/elite are still more concerned with solidifying their powers, parties, and denominations than governing democratically or spreading scriptural holiness.
The Church is the expression of the government in heaven. However, the complication is that many have been more converted to church/denominations than to Christ and have developed stronger relationships with doctrine and structure than with the person of Jesus. The churches have become the expression of the government of the selfish world. Hence, the spiritual recession deprived of true Christianity that cannot identify holy from humanistic, differentiate God’s glory from the world’s garbage or tell righteousness from rottenness (2Pet.2:17-22). Christianity then becomes a sedative to help sleep at night, a cheap therapeutic. There is news coverage of scandals and crimes in the Church, and the division and disunity in and between churches has polarised its strength and unity, including Nigeria’s Christian Corpers’ Fellowship (NCCF), a virile national vehicle for rural rugged and grass root mission and evangelism. Every denomination operates its Corpers Fellowship and Campus Fellowship as if we compete when even demons do not fight demons. The seed of division has been shown among the younger generation. Next year, 2025, the modern Church will be 183 years in Nigeria, but we have less than 120 million Christian populations. The challenge is that with over 2000 denominations /ministries, we hardly won and disciple 1000 000 souls successfully annually as a Body of Christ in Nigeria. We make a lot of propaganda about church growth and planting through sophisticated worldliness/financial ideologies, whereas we are more into exchanging and taking members from one another. If the Holy Spirit were to leave Nigeria’s churches, many could continue without interruption of activities.
Beloved, Nigeria and our churches are blessed and not cursed. The people bring curses and corruption, and unless people are redeemed, nothing can change. Nigeria or the churches are not the problem, but people whose ways contradict God, like Simon in Acts 8. It is the people who are in covenant with the devil that brought trouble to Nigeria and our churches, but by the blessing of the upright Nigeria and our churches will be exalted (Prov.11:11). Above all, amid our bad news, there is good news for us (Jer.29:11). In this prayer and fasting chain, let us pray a picture of a church (in Nigeria) that is doing it right. The book of Acts presents a model of what Christ wants in His body.
12:00 AM—12:59 AM—Worship—Take the next 30 minutes to worship His Majesty, our God, who answers prayers.
Prayers of thanksgiving: Please mention at least ten of God’s blessings upon Nigeria/churches and begin to thank Him for them. Thank God for our past and present leaders, for our churches, leaders, and freedom of worship (1Thes.5:18, 1Tim.2:1)
Confession of sins: ‘When man transgressed the divine law, his nature became evil, and he was in harmony, and not at variance with Satan.’ Idols were celebrated and openly worshipped during FESTAC 77 held in Lagos (Jer.16:12). The origin of Nigeria/churches’ problems is our turning from God to idolatry (Rom.1:18-20, Col.3:5, Matt.24:37-37, Amos 3:13-15, Jer.12:17, Lam. 5:7). Let us confess our sins as a nation and individuals including all forms of idolatry, killings, raping, greed, ignoring the true God and worship of money, power, status, wealth, idols and demons. All these have promoted violence, values and cultures that gender towards idolatry, killing, bombing, corruption, kidnapping, and money laundering. Pray, O Lord, help us remember from where we have fallen, repenting and returning to doing our first LOVE, setting our hearts and souls to seek the Lord, humbling ourselves, praying and turning from our wicked ways (1Chr 22:19. Rev.2:5, 2Chr.7:14 Rom.10:1-3). O Lord, forgive and heal us from our spiritual recession/depression (2Pet.2:17-22; Jam.5:13-20).
1.00 AM – 1:59 AM – Psalm and prayer of repentance for Nigeria and our churches: Let us reflect on the theme of Psalm 51 as a call to prayer for national repentance by pleading for mercy, forgiveness, and cleansing.
Have mercy on NIGERIA and our churches, O God, according to your steadfast love; according to your abundant mercy, blot out NIGERIA’S transgressions. Wash NIGERIANS thoroughly from OUR iniquities, and cleanse NIGERIANS from OUR sins! For NIGERIANS and our churches know OUR transgressions (love of money, power and status), and NIGERIANS sin is ever before GOD. Against GOD, GOD only, have NIGERIANS sinned and done what is evil in GOD’S sight so that you may be justified in your word and blameless in your judgment. Behold, NIGERIA was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin did OUR MASTERS/LEADERS conceive US. Behold, GOD delight in truth in the inward being, and GOD teach NIGERIANS wisdom in the secret heart. Purge NIGERIANS and our churches with hyssop, and NIGERIA shall be clean; wash NIGERIANS, and NIGERIA shall be whiter than snow. Let NIGERIA hear joy and gladness; let NIGERIA’S bones that you have broken rejoice. Hide your face from Nigeria’s sins and blot out all Nigeria’s iniquities. Create in NIGERIANS a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within NIGERIANS. Cast NIGERIA not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from NIGERIA. Restore to NIGERIA/churches the joy of your salvation and uphold NIGERIANS with a willing spirit. Then NIGERIA/churches will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will return to GOD. Deliver NIGERIA from bloodguiltiness (BOKO HARAM, MEND, KIDNAPPERS, POLITICAL EMPTIERS/BUSINESS EXPLOITERS).
O God, thou God of NIGERIA’S salvation, and NIGERIA/churches tongues will sing aloud of GOD’S righteousness O Lord, open NIGERIANS lips, and NIGERIANS mouth will declare your praise. For GOD will not delight in sacrifice, or NIGERIANS would give it; GOD will not be pleased with a burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart, O God, you will not despise. Do good to NIGERIANS in your good pleasure; build up the walls of NIGERIA/churches; then will GOD delight in right sacrifices, in burnt offerings and whole burnt offerings; then bulls will be offered on your altar. Please take about 20 minutes to ask God’s mercy upon Nigerians/churches (Ezekiel 11:11).
2:00 AM – 2:59 AM – Please take the next 10 minutes to plead the blood of Jesus on Nigerians/churches. Please mention as many states/churches as you can remember, including your town or village. Break in asunder every evil, God of money and power, ungodly rituals, and foundational strongholds bringing curses and resulting in oppression, wickedness, cultism, and greed at the expense and value to the life and spirituality of the citizenry/members (1John1:7-9). Ask God to break tyrannies of sins and greed in the church/Nigeria. Plead for mercy for shedding human blood – murders, human rituals, civil/ethnic wars, the killing of Dele Giwa (marking the first bomb explosion in Nigeria- Oct.19, 1986). Chief Bola Ige, Pa Rewane and many others, including Christiana Oluwatoyin Olusesin, a Christian teacher who was lynched, stabbed to death and burnt by some Muslim pupils in Gandu, Gombe State on March 21, 2007. Pray, O Lord, let every knee bow, and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord in and over Nigeria (Phil 2:10). O Lord, soften Nigerians’ hearts that are hardened through the deceitfulness of sin (Heb 3:13). O Lord, raise a holy standard among Nigerians and cause the rains of Your Spirit to flood our churches. Revive and use us as instruments of Your love, joy, justice, and peace (Is 49:22; Zech 10:1, Hab 3:2)).
3:00 AM – 3:59 AM – Nigeria’s symbol is reflected through our Coat of Arms, which shows the country’s unity. The eagle represents Nigeria’s strength. Pray with Isaiah 40:31. Our weaknesses must give way to God’s strength. Declare this: Nigeria is divinely ordained for strength. Nigeria is destined to soar high in good things. Nigeria is destined for vision, vigour, and victory like the eagle. Nigeria is Coming Alive to a place of dignity and pride in Jesus’ name. Ask God to unite us in Him (Romans 15:5). unity breeds trust and firm reliance. Pray for democratic unity among the citizenry so that we can know our rights and not be divided (on the essential of people’s welfare) by the politicians for their selfish gains. Pray, ‘O Lord, shake Nigeria and our churches so that we will come to the Desire of All Nations (Jesus) (Hag.2:7). Pray, Father, cause Your Church and Nigerians not to substitute superficial obedience for substantive life change (Eph.4:25, Num 23:24).
4:00 AM – 4:59 AM – Pray, O Lord, let Nigerians be awakened and hear the voice of the Lord. (Joel 3:12; Is.1:2). O Lord, deliver Nigerians from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God (Rom. 8:21). Many tell lies to get ahead. Hypocrisy must die. O Lord, send forth Your Spirit of Truth to bear witness of You and convict Nigerians of sin, righteousness, and judgement (Luke 15). Cause us to repent and turn from our idols (Jn.15:26; 16:8; Eze.14:6). O Lord, cause righteousness in our churches to overcome Nigeria’s spiritual recession/depression (Is. 61:11).
5:00 AM – 5:59 AM – Father, take Nigerians and our churches into the valley of decision and let us be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea (Joel 3:14, Hab 2:14). Father, gather Nigerians and the churches together that they may worship you and exult Thee in all the earth and let all the nations be blessed through Nigerians and our churches. Father, let the wealth of the heathens be gathered and be delivered into the hands of God’s people in Nigeria (Is 43:9; Ps 22:27, 46:10; Gal 3:8, Zech 14:14; 2Kg 22:5). Lord heals our conscience (1Pet.3:16, Acts 24:16, Heb.10:22). Ask God to fill Nigerians with kingdom values and scatter every political private army (Joel.2:20).
6:00 AM – 6:59 AM – Pray, O Lord, pour your Spirit upon all men and women in our government/churches and make Your Word known to them (Joel.2:28). Cause us to be men and women of integrity, obedient concerning the people that Nigerians may lead a quiet and peaceable life, in all godliness and honesty. Let wisdom enter our hearts, and let knowledge be pleasant to us. Let discretion preserve us and understanding keep us to deliver us from the way of evil and from evil men (Prov.1:23, Ps.25:21, 1Tim 2:2, Prov.2:11-12). Restore, O Lord, the years the locust has eaten in Nigeria/churches (Joel. 2: 21-27).
7:00 AM – 7:59 AM – Pray, O Lord, let the upright dwell in our government and church leadership, doing what is right in your sight. Let there be a shaking in all areas of our government and church leadership, and let those who are complete and blameless before God stay. Cut off the wicked. Let the unfaithful (the Simons and their sorcerers be rooted out (Prov. 2:21-22; 2Chr. 20:32, Acts 8:8). O Lord, bring to light what is hidden in darkness and expose the secret aims of their hearts (1 Cor. 5: 5-7). Pray, for divine intervention on the removal of fuel subsidy. O Lord, arrest the arresters of Nigerians peace and prosperity (Ps. 89:7-14, 18).
8:00 AM – 8:59 AM – Nigeria is blessed with abundant labour, but we still lack local craftsmanship and artisanry in boat/car making, technology, construction, and textile manufacturing. We sell our local raw materials cheaply and prefer foreign goods. Pray that we shall no longer sell our birth and wealth rights. Nigeria imports 24 trillion naira in food yearly, excluding 1.6 trillion naira annually for the importation of rice, wheat and sugar, yet the masses are hungry. O Lord, bring all the emptiers and exploiters of Nigeria to justice. No more fruitless leadership who have ‘lucratised’ their positions and still defrauded Nigerians above 200 trillion naira yearly through corruption. Arise, O Lord, raise for us men and women willing to pledge their lives, fortune, and sacred honour, putting all on the line for God and the welfare of people (Ps.25:21).
9:00 AM – 9:59 AM – The majority of our population is rural. However, many of our cities are becoming large and overcrowded based on the migration of young people from rural areas to urban areas for education and employment opportunities. O Lord, let our leaders be awakened to the problems of unemployment, electricity, bad roads, comatose/moribund state institutions, and a decline in our graduate quality. Oppression makes a man mad. O Lord, let our leaders hear the voice of the suffering masses and jobless graduates. Open the eye of our youth to the heritage of this nation that we may be occupied and promote self-employment (Joel 3:12; Is.1:2. Ps. 111:6; Zech.14:14, 2Kg 22:5). Restore O Lord dignity of labour among Nigerians.
10:00 AM – 10:59 AM – People make a political party or a church, a party or a church does not make a people, but in Nigeria, it is contrary; political party and churches makes the people. Pray for a change. Democracy without God becomes ‘demoncracy’ and ‘moneycracy,’ hence the politics of ‘do or die’ in Nigeria. Out of leadership’s sins and greed came followership’s love of money, poverty, disobedience, violence, division, and captivity (Deut.17:16-17).
Pray, O Lord, cause Nigerians to repent and turn from our idols and abominations in Jesus’ name (Ezek.14:6). O Lord, cause righteousness and praise among Nigerians (Is.61:11). O Lord, make every enemy of the people of Nigeria to be our footstool in Jesus’ name (Mk.12:36). All legions set up by the Nigerian’s enemies in every region begin to die in Jesus’ name.
11:00 AM – 11:59 AM – As the leader of our nation, the President becomes a major target. Pray for President Bola Tinubu (Neh.8:10, Ps.92:10). Pray and soak him and his family in the blood of Jesus (1Pet.4:8-11, Job.1:10, Ps.34:7; 91:3,10; Prov.3:24). Pray for his wife, Her Excellency Senator Oluremi Tinubu. She would live a virtuous life (Prov.12:4; 31:10-31; Eph.5:33). Pray for the children of the President. They would honour their parents and live wisely (Eph.6:1-3; Prov.15:20). Pray for his marriage. He would love and remain faithful to his wife and govern with wisdom (2Sam11, Prov.5:15-20; Eph.5:25, 28; 1Kg.3:9-12; Prov. 3:13; 4:5). Apply this to the governors/church/Obas, Obis, Emirs and other leaders in your area.
12:00 PM – 12:59 PM – Ask God to keep our President humble and firm (Is.66:1-2; James 4:6-10). Pray for those working and advising the President. God would thwart the counsel of the unwise (2Sam.15:31, 16:15 to 17:23). Ask God to remove those who are unwise from his circle (Prov.25:5). Pray that the President would surround himself with wise counsellors (Prov.11:14, 24:6). God would raise up ‘Daniels’ in his circle of influence (Dan.2:48, 49). Pray for his spiritual life. He would be true to his faith as a Christian and not a mere intellectual/traditional belief (James 2:19). He would read, submit, and apply God’s Word (Jos.18:9; 2 Tim.3:16-17). He would fear and rely upon God’s strength (Ps.27:1-3; 33:16-17). Apply this to the governors/church/Obas, Obis, Emirs and other leaders in your area.
1:00 PM – 1:59 PM – Pray that our President will be filled with the Holy Spirit and do what is right to protect the peace and well-being of our nation (1Tim.2:1-4; Rom.13:3). He will stand for morality (Ps.82:2-4; Prov.31:8; Micah 6:8). He will govern with and in righteousness and justice (Prov.29: 4,14, 1Cor.2:10). He would be ahead and take necessary steps to protect our nation from attack and danger while not diminishing the freedoms of its citizens (Heb.13:21, Ps.32:8, 1Cor.2:10). He will not be sick or die prematurely (Ex.14v14, Deut. 28, Gal.3:13, Is.54:17).
2:00 PM – 2:59 PM – Pray for moral and spiritual renewal in Nigeria. Break the powers of false prophets taking advantage of people’s spiritual recession and depression to make money, promoting ‘Christless growth’ churches/empires (2Pet.2:17-22). Ask God to send the Holy Spirit upon us so that the Gospel can be heard and heeded by our leaders, the people and the media. O Lord, cause us as Christians to become the holy and standard bearers to such a degree that we can profoundly affect the morality of Nigerians. Ask God to open our eyes so that we may see the error of our ways and repent (Rom. 12).
3:00 PM – 3:59 PM – The vast majority of Nigerian Christians are church members, pew-fillers, motivational/anointing/ breakthrough/prosperity seekers, hymn-singers, sermon-tasters, Bible-readers, even born-again believers, tongue-speaking or Spirit-filled catholic/protestant/
charismatic/Pentecostal, but not true disciples of Jesus. Following Jesus is to proclaim discipleship, which liberates people from all artificial dogma, every burden and oppression, every anxiety and torture which afflicts the conscience. Pray for a return to what it means to be a disciple of Christ. The vision of discipleship entails following Christ in obedience, holiness, mission (the act of sending), and sacrifice. Sacrifice is one of the missing ingredients of contemporary discipleship in the Church (Luke 5:1-11; 14:25-33, 1Pet.3:13-4:2). Pray, O Lord, help Nigerian Christians to distinguish and discern between deception and truth in Jesus’ name (Judges 16:19).
4:00 PM – 4:59 PM – O Lord, unite all Nigerian Christians, Catholic, Protestant, Pentecostal, Indigenous, and Evangelical, together so that we form a united witness front against the wickedness and snares of the devil (Jn.17:21). Disarm the eaters of flesh and drinkers of blood, all evildoers, leaving them powerless and not in control of our great nation/churches/roads. Inspire our media–television, newscasters, reporters, filmmakers, and celebrities– to promote a genuinely moral social justice and morally righteous entertainment/fashion in Jesus’ name. Break the yoke of AIDS (Always In Daily SIN) among Nigerians.
5:00 PM – 5:59 PM – Racial/ethnic enmity came from the Fall. We do not even know Adam’s ethnicity, except that he was God’s creation, a child of God. It is from his seed that all humanity proceeded. Pray that there would be such a move of God’s Spirit in our nation that our oneness in Jesus Christ would positively influence relations between races, beginning in the Body of Christ and spreading throughout every community in our country. May it affect every ethnic group and cross every racial barrier. Pray that when we look at those from another culture, we will not see them as people of another colour/language but that we will see them through the eyes of love as people created in God’s image. O Lord, remind us of all of the Golden Rule. Let us embrace one another as members of the one Body of Christ in Jesus’ name (Eph.4:25).
6:00 PM – 6:59 PM – Ask God for His divine protection for Nigerians. Pray for the safety of every man, woman, and child. Ask God to keep us from harm’s way and provide protection from political banditry, kidnappers, and plans of destruction that our enemies have plotted. On Lord, stop their plans before they are evoked. Give wisdom, understanding and discernment to those who protect us, especially our armed forces. Please help us to be watchful and alert to signs of wrongdoing. Ask God to provide insight to national and local authorities on ways to guard, defend, and ensure the safety of all Nigerian citizens, both at home and abroad. Please help us cooperate with government leaders and law enforcement personnel to make Nigeria a safe place to live, work, and evangelise.
Prevent the destructive forces of terrorism and their aggressors directed against our nation. Stand against the Spirit of fear that accompanies the cowardly acts of kidnappers. May the knowledge of terrorist planned attacks be revealed to those who provide our national and international security. Help those in power act swiftly to avert all danger, protecting Nigerians’ lives and property (1Chr.28:9). Pray for value for life and respect for labour among Nigerians.
7:00 PM – 7:59 PM – O Lord, provide strength, courage, and wisdom to our armed forces. Give wisdom and insight to our government and everyone involved in the elimination of terrorism, armed robbery, kidnapping and corruption. Provide instruction in developing effective and efficient anti-terrorist strategies to give us an advantage against our aggressors. Lord, enter the hearts of the instigators of terrorism so they recognise the evil of their ways and repent and denounce their cowardice acts of destruction against humanity. Without repentance, may they reap the consequences of their actions through Your Divine justice. Guide us and our leaders in efforts to seek out and eradicate these merchants of death. Reveal to us the names of those responsible and in allegiance with terrorist and other evil organisations. Enable our military to become swift, powerful, and accurate in any action of protection (Romans 13:12, Col.1:9-13. Ps.112:6).
8:00 PM – 8:59 PM – Pray for our nation’s legislative arms (Federal, State, and Local Govt.) of government that they would make laws that are and make the right decisions concerning Nigeria’s politics, social welfare, and economics. Pray for better and better management of our economy by the executive arms of our government. Pray for our judiciary, knowing that man appoints them. Ask God to help them set a standard of justice, reform, and balance for judicial office at large, including every Nigeria adjudicator (Matt.5:6, 8,13). Break the yoke of secret societies among them.
9:00 PM – 9:59 PM – Pray for all Nigerians in Diaspora. Pray for our foreign relations. Ask God to raise wise men and women to fill our diplomatic corps, persons of skill, morals, and understanding in foreign affairs and for love and care for Nigerians in the Diaspora. O Lord, grant safety to our embassy personnel in every foreign land so that even our enemies will be at peace with them. O Lord, let our enemies and other nations begin to see/treat Nigerians with dignity as an ensign of revival and peace in the world. Send Your Holy Spirit to protect and alert our citizens in the Diaspora/personnel of any potential attack.
10:00 PM – 10:59 PM – A nation’s strength lies in its people’s homes. A home is a place of divine peace and blessing (Ps.144:12). Pray for the healing of marriages and homes (Job.1:10, 1Pet.3:1-11; 5:8-10). Break the plague of divorce and prostitution in our country (Ps.91:10). Pray for our youth and the singles (Ps.92:10, 103:5; 34:7). Pray against cult activities in our schools. Pray for the Christian Corpus’s and Campus Fellowships. Pray for more grace upon Nigerian Christians to respond to the needs of widows, orphans, outcasts, and backsliders. Pray for Christlike growth in our churches.
11:00 PM—11:59 PM—Thanksgiving: Take some time to praise and thank God for a new Nigeria filled with Great Joy.
CONSECRATION OF NIGERIA: Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the people of Nigeria at this historic time, stand before you in a humbled condition of love, loyalty, affection, and thankfulness. To your Lordship, we recommit and dedicate ourselves to the entire Nigerian nation. Lord Jesus Christ, we pledge to obey and serve your teaching and your Church and to work for your kingdom on earth. Lord Jesus, surround the Nigerian family with your blood; enfold us in your arms. Give to this Nigerian land, built on the blood and tears of so many faithful forebears, a peaceful and praiseworthy existence in truth, love, justice, and freedom.
O Lord, open the eyes of Nigerians, especially our leaders and the Church, to true holiness and unity so that we can be filled with Great Joy and rise to our full potential. Give our leaders holy zeal, the ability to face the truth, and the courage to correct all abuses, pervasive bribery and corruption. Stop the flood of religiosity, greed, heresy, impurity, lukewarmness, materialism, and selfishness that threatens the joy of our nation. Show to those who have strayed from the Church the way to Our Lord Jesus Christ. Lord Jesus, accept our consecration to you and, through you, bind us as one in unity forever to the Holy Trinity (Romans 13:12-14, Psalm 119:37). Amen