1. God give us Christian homes!
    Homes where the Bible is loved and taught,
    Homes where the Master’s will is sought,
    Homes crowned with beauty Your love has wrought;
    God give us Christian homes;
    God give us Christian homes!
  2. God give us Christian homes!
    Homes where the father is true and strong,
    Homes that are free from the blight of wrong,
    Homes that are joyous with love and song;
    God give us Christian homes;
    God give us Christian homes!
  3. God give us Christian homes!
    Homes where the mother, in caring quest,
    Strives to show others Your way is best,
    Homes where the Lord is an honored guest;
    God give us Christian homes;
    God give us Christian homes!
  4. God give us Christian homes!
    Homes where the children are led to know
    Christ in His beauty who loves them so,
    Homes where the altar fires burn and glow;
    God give us Christian homes;
    God give us Christian homes! – B. McKinney

God is saying to the church, you cannot be like the world and change the world. Without conviction of sin and earnest repentance, people cannot know the God revealed in Scripture and His plan for home, marriage and family. The coming revival is home based and not church or camp based. The reflection is that a divided and declining 21st century church no longer represents Christ in the world because the Church has assumed a different personality. Ecumenism, pastors and theologians have drifted, slipped, or even plunged into doctrinal error for centuries. Progressive power brokers are not relenting to change and co-opt the church for political purposes. The church today forget that true power lies not in the world’s wisdom, but in Scripture. Gospel is now reduced to a program and project for transforming social structures. Using the words of Francis Schaeffer, ‘the basic problem is much deeper than social structures,’ therefore ending up ‘with an understanding of salvation which is very different from what the Scriptures teach ‘

Sin costs more than we envisage (Rev 2:4-5). The home is no longer the worship center and training center it once was. The 21st century home has become for the most part, a place to sleep, watch TV and work or play on the computer. Eating is done outside the home on the way to activities that divide the family rather than bring them together. Therefore, families live together under the same roof but do not know one another.

This disintegration of the family has brought about the destruction of the home as God intended it. Modern day church growth methodologies have capitalized on the refugees of these destroyed homes. God intends for the church to be a refuge for those who are so needy. However, the church has forsaken its model, the home. Therefore, it is no longer a worship center or training center that exemplifies God’s standard. A new model has evolved, one that is conformed more to the ways of the world than to the commands of Christ.

This new model of church dismisses the power of Christ to change lives. The church is no longer like-minded in the character of Christ and His standards, but seeks like-mindedness in the “worship of worship” rather than the worship of God. They are united by their worship and not united in Christ. The church’s failure to maintain God’s example of family and home in its members has produced a weak, powerless 21st century church. It is filled with members who have come to church but have never come to Christ.

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